Therapy For Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond
Preconception, Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum
Parenting starts before birth. Understanding that the unborn child is conscious, aware, and imprinting from its environment for survival or for thriving, allows for parents to move through pregnancy in a more mindful way.
With our pre & perinatal therapy, we merge new research on neuroscience, embryology, midwifery, epigenetics, pre and perinatal birth psychology, ecopsychology and consciousness studies with practical tools that assist in reaching a birth that best supports the mind, body, and spirit of mom, baby, and partner. Through this lens, the impact of birth is one that brings choice, empowerment, education, and attachment to healthy relationships.
Mindful, Conscious, & Ecological Living

In my sessions, I focus on bringing the implicated storyline to the present moment to allow healing to take place.
- Oneness of body-mind-spirit-environment
- Mother’s energy system is interlinked with child and partner’s energy system
- Healing the whole in whole life context; healing each individual storyline
- Essential unity of the mother, child, and partner
- Experience learning from the inside out
- Networking of organizational structures that facilitate individuation, authority, and responsibility inherent in the mother, child, and partner
- Long term focus on creating and maintaining an interdependent, authentic, and dynamic relationship with the mother, child, and partner
- Embrace multiple learning styles within the relationship fields
- Basic underlying principles of deepening Connection & Integration
- Honoring boundaries of the mother, child, and partner
*Both online prenatal classes and natural childbirth classes are offered by request*
Private-Somatic Pelvic Floor Re-Education-$135.00 per session/$625.00 5 Session Package
The unique power that moves women reproductive system is on of empowerment. This empowerment is used to create life and bring personal grow into being.
Through life physical, emotional, or spiritual trauma can cause fragmentation and dysregulation in the pelvic floor and female organs. The Awakened Somatic Pelvic Floor Practices uses guided imagery, somatic movement, and hands-on exercise (all done with clothing on) to health the pelvic floor, vagina, and uterus an area where deep wounds are held. The wounds of sexual abuse, surgery, rape, abortions, childbirth, and fragmented images of our femininity are deep with in body. Learning about your story-line of these wounds bring empowerment from a deep somatic healing experiences.
The Awakened Method Somatic Pelvic Floor sessions brings the relationship of embodiment to be safe in you body. Through the session you experience whole new possibilities for renewed feminine energy, greater health, and a deeper sense of pleasure in being a woman. Our program prioritizes making time to explore nature and especially how our connection to earth and our connection to our selves is enhanced in the exploration of nature.

Group Sessions
Group-Awakened Childbirth Classes
A mindful, conscious, and ecological approach to birth, the way nature intended. This class was developed with the understanding that the unborn child is aware of its environment, and imprinting starts at conception and continues after birth. This method merges all the new research on neuroscience, embryology, midwifery, epigenetics, pre & perinatal birth psychology (prenatal therapy and perinatal therapy), and consciousness studies with practical tools to assist with grounding and orienting into your new path as a family. This is a 7-week class that runs throughout the year with an intensive Awakened Birth Retreat in the summers.
As you learn about the ecological principles of baby, mom, and birth, you are also being guided through experiential connection to your authentic birthright and empowerment from generations passed.
Group-Awakened Prenatal Somatic Flow
Somatic Pregnancy Flow involves ‘listening to the body’ and responding to these sensations by consciously altering movement habits and movement choices that prepares the mom for laboring and the birthing process. This class is a free flow of expression that allows the mom to release fears about her body and how she will cope with the expansion of the body during labor and birth.
The purpose of somatic movement education and therapy to prepare for birth, is to enhance human processes of psychophysical awareness and functioning through movement learning.
Monthly Membership $69.00/drop in $22.00 (online or in-person)
Group-Community Awakened Meditation
The Awakened Method Meditation brings recognition that Gia’s (Mother Earth) power and energy is rising within us as we strive, as a species, to rekindle our relationship with her and bring ourselves back into functional and sustainability within her biosphere.
Cultivating your ecological selves means reclaiming our birth right. We are all born with 7-Developmental birth rights and shadows. It’s through building a functional relationship with our 7-Developmental birth rights and shadows that we become fully human. The Awakened Method Meditation uses connecting practices to the earth, exploration, somatic practices, breath-work and meditation that opens our bodies to feeling oneness with all creation. This brings a life full of purpose, direction, and experience.
Monthly Membership $69.00/drop in $22.00 (online or in-person)

The imprints from your birth experience have shaped the values and beliefs in how you see yourself as a parent and how you parent. Enter: birth trauma therapy.
Imprinting of physical, emotional, and spiritual trauma from birth becomes part of the storyline that moves into the partnership and child relationship field—evolving dysregulation and fragmentation. As partners and parents, you feel isolated, alone, overwhelmed and stressed. The imprints from the birth trauma are affecting healthy relationships for mother, child and partner causing resentment, breastfeeding frustration, intimacy, and struggles with co-regulation. Through unwinding the held birth trauma for everyone, it brings a calming and empathic space for healing to begin, which brings co-regulation for a more functional relationship field for everyone.
- Oneness of body-mind-spirit-environment
- Mother’s energy system is interlinked with child and partner’s energy system
- Healing the whole in whole life context; healing each individual storyline
- Essential unity of the mother, child, and partner
- Experience learning from the inside out
- Networking of organizational structures that facilitate individuation, authority, and responsibility inherent in the mother, child, and partner
- Long term focus on creating and maintaining an interdependent, authentic, dynamic relationship with the mother, child, and partner
- Embrace multiple learning styles within the relationship fields
- Basic underlying principles; deepening Connection & Integration
- Honoring boundaries of the mother, child, and partner
Attachment therapy Portland
Bonding, Attachment & Breastfeeding Connection Session-The safe space that is held for mothers, babies, & partners to allow integration of the birth story brings about a harmonic resonance for parenting. Birth can have unforeseen turns that may include medical interventions, feeling of dis-empowerment, and mother/baby separation. Even without medical intervention, the journey of birth can dysregulate the breastfeed transition. Our birth stories are fraught with twists and turns, these can bring about stressors on the infant and through the family unit. These stressors in turn can cause struggles breastfeeding, attachment and bonding.
BBAC assists in re-establishing the natural sequence and deepening the birth experience for a joyful and confident transition to parenting. This allows for breastfeeding that brings confidence and joy.
Space is held through co-regulation within the body’s systems using biodynamic craniosacral therapy and pre & perinatal birth psychology (prenatal therapy and perinatal therapy).
Craniosacral therapy for infants breastfeeding is a gentle, non-invasive way to support optimal breastfeeding function.

Private-Somatic Pelvic Floor Re-Education-$135.00 per session/$625.00 5 Session Package
Pelvic floor therapy during pregnancy
The unique power that moves women’s reproductive system is on of empowerment. This empowerment is used to create life and bring personal grow into being.
Through life physical, emotional, or spiritual trauma can cause fragmentation and dysregulation in the pelvic floor and female organs.
The Awakened Somatic Pelvic Floor Practices uses guided imagery, somatic movement, and hands-on exercise (all done with clothing on) to heal the pelvic floor, vagina, and uterus—an area where deep wounds are held. The wounds of sexual abuse, surgery, rape, abortions, childbirth, and fragmented images of our femininity are deep within the body. Learning about the storylines of these wounds brings empowerment for a deep somatic healing experience.
The Awakened Method Somatic Pelvic Floor sessions brings the relationship of embodiment to be safe in the body. Through the session you experience whole new possibilities for renewed feminine energy, greater health, and a deeper sense of pleasure in being a woman. Our program prioritizes making time to explore nature and especially how our connection to earth and our connection to our selves is enhanced in the exploration of nature.
Private-Infant Development Session-$135.00 per session/$625.00 5 Session Package
Infant development program
An infant is active, curious, and constantly moving. Biodynamic Infant Development has its own structure, its own non-verbal language and its own manifestation of movement patterns. The infant’s basic carrier is the body. The body in this stage of it’s development goes through basic movement patterns according to natural laws. Each dynamic and postural reflex, movement pattern, movement coordination system emerges at its specific time. This time is the space in which the basic movement is investigated, absorbed, worked out and connected to the whole body movement system. The learned patterns from the basis form growth of other motion models. The emergence of every new pattern stimulates other movement models. This is the basis for an infant to progress through every stage of motor development, and motor development, in its turn, assures emotional and cognitive aspects of development.
An infant’s ability to move during each development stages lays the foundation for physical, emotional and cognitive health. By understanding this developmental approach to your infant can assist with breastfeeding, sleep patterns, colic, bonding and behavioral communication.
Parent Infant Psychotherapy is a unique and invaluable experience.

Group Sessions
Group – Awakened Postnatal Somatic Movement and Infant Development (New Parent Group) Newborn – 6 months
The body is a marvelous dynamic system full of muscles, bones, organs, fascia, fluids, ligaments, nerves, hormones, and energy that all communicate together in an interwoven network. The postpartum time is where the layers of the body come into the contraction phase. This concretion phase is the coming in time where the body, mind, and spirit need functional support for future health. The way we sit, stand, lie down, and move around can all impact the balance of our tensegrity, the natural 3-dimensional tension system our bones and fascia create within our bodies. The Awakened Postnatal Somatic Movement & Infant Development Classes integrate the bone, the nearby joint, the ligaments, and the fascia to allow the muscle to not only restore balance and fluidity but for the tissue to have an inner awareness or a mind, that can communicate what it needs. Along with facilitating body-mind connection for the mother bring education on what it means for your little one to be embodied and feel safe in their environment.
When the relationship between the parent and child is built on trust embodiment in trust unfolds. We move through the 7 Identity Practices releasing and integrating physical and emotional patterns that have caused fragmentation and dysregulation in our being.
Monthly Membership $69.00/drop in $22.00 (online or in-person)
Group – Somatic Meditation
The Awakened Method Meditation brings recognition that Gia’s (Mother Earth) power and energy is rising within us as we strive, as a species, to rekindle our relationship with her and bring ourselves back into functional and sustainability within her biosphere.
Cultivating your ecological selves means reclaiming our birth right. We are all born with 7-Developmental birth rights and shadows. It’s through building a functional relationship with our 7-Developmental birth rights and shadows that we become fully human. The Awakened Method Meditation uses connecting practices to the earth, exploration, somatic practices, breath-work and meditation that opens our bodies to feeling oneness with all creation. This brings a life full of purpose, direction, and experience.
Monthly Membership $69.00/drop in $22.00 (online or in-person)
“I usually claim that pregnant women should not read books about pregnancy and birth. Their time is too precious. They should, rather, watch the moon and sing to their baby in the womb.”
-Michel Odent